Fallout 4 cowboy hat mod
Fallout 4 cowboy hat mod

fallout 4 cowboy hat mod

  • T-51b power armor ( Brotherhood T-51b power armor).
  • T-45d power armor ( Brotherhood T-45d power armor, Scorched Sierra power armor).
  • Remnants power armor ( Gannon family Tesla armor).
  • Xbox 360 With the rattan and desperado cowboy hats, when the player attempts to equip it through a hotkey, it will freeze the game.
  • Cass' default hat is a unique variant of the rattan cowboy hat that is unobtainable without the use of console commands.
  • fallout 4 cowboy hat mod

  • The Courier is shown wearing one of these cowboy hats during the starting cutscene, appearing as the rawhide variant without the black outline.
  • One can be found atop a cabinet in the backstage hallway of the Tampico.
  • On top of one of the safes is the rawhide cowboy hat.
  • One is found on the Lucky 38 casino floor, through the main entrance of the building, it is in a room towards the lefthand side of the casino floor containing a number of unlocked safes holding many chems and bottle caps.
  • With the Wild Wasteland trait, one can be found in Jimmy's well.
  • fallout 4 cowboy hat mod

  • A rattan cowboy hat can be found in the Zion Ranger station.
  • Daisy Whitman in Novac wears a rattan cowboy hat, but it must be looted from her corpse or reverse pickpocketed.
  • The female traveling merchant who wanders in and out of Novac often has a rattan cowboy hat.
  • Gunderson hired hands in the Ultra-Luxe penthouse suite wear rattan cowboy hats, but they must be looted from their corpses.
  • An NCR trooper wandering around the New Vegas Strip wears the old cowboy variant.
  • Another hat can be bought at the Crimson Caravan Company.
  • Three can be purchased from Mick at Mick & Ralph's in Freeside.
  • One is found next to a skeleton on a cliff with two trees on the northeast side of the Dead Horses camp.
  • These hats can be in the inventory of any random merchant that sells apparel.
  • One can be found in the Aces Theater at the Tops, on the stage, sitting on a chair.
  • fallout 4 cowboy hat mod

  • One of the Powder Gangers camped out behind Whittaker farmstead is wearing one.
  • If one decides to help Ringo fight the Powder Gangers in Goodsprings, one of the attacking Powder Gangers is wearing a desperado cowboy hat.
  • Can be stolen from the counter along with an old cowboy hat at Blake's booth at Crimson Caravan Company.
  • They can occasionally be purchased at the Crimson Caravan Company.
  • A hat can be stolen from the table in Mick & Ralph's secret room.
  • One can be found next to the crushed skeleton on a ledge on the end of the Narrows, just south of the Half Mouse cave entrance.
  • A cattleman cowboy hat can also be found in the room leading to the steam room in the Ultra-Luxe's bathhouse.
  • The Gunderson hired hand is wearing a cattleman cowboy hat as he stands beside Heck Gunderson in the Ultra-Luxe main lobby.
  • Powder Gangers wear random cowboy hats.
  • A light brown uncured leather cowboy hat with a slight peak, a thick, flat brim, and a thin black band at the base.

    Fallout 4 cowboy hat mod